Eco Reps

Ayaka Hoshida & Connor Bird

The EcoRep Program is a university-wide, student-led environmental outreach network for the residential colleges. We lead college-focused sustainability initiatives, such as recycling projects and environmental education. We host:

  • Green Dorm Initiative: annual campus-wide competition for students and faculty to adopt and improve sustainable lifestyles
  • Freecycling: a giving table at the end of each semester to donate items unused or no longer wanted but may be needed and reused by someone else
  • Recycling station for plastic bags, batteries, and e-waste in the back of the commons
  • Packaging recycling station for cardboard boxes, bubble wrap, packing peanuts, etc in the back of the commons
  • Composting: composting bins are located in the servery and are available for personal use in Martel suites

If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas, please don’t hesitate to reach out to ConnorĀ at crb15@ or Ayaka at

Committee Members:

Cole Holladay, Kathryn Dale, Dayanh Rubio Gomez, Sienna Miertschin, Daniel Suarez, Jose Noriega, David Lee, Miles Gantcher, and Jaclynn Schwander